Glory Aside

     For a few weeks, I've been wanting to write an update! Now, I'm sitting in a coffee shop, rain pouring down, a head spinning with thoughts, and wondering where I should begin. In the past month of being home, I've thoroughly enjoyed being with family and reuniting with friends! I've loved soaking up all the small joys of home after a year abroad. And I've attempted to rest in this unique season of "receiving" from people.
      To be honest, I've had little to no capacity (perhaps that's the theme to my year?!). I've found myself overwhelmed at the simplest task, pulling away from busyness, and retreating from crowds. I've been confused and lost...
      The dependency hurts. I need peoples' insight and wisdom more than ever before, yet I constantly find myself fighting back the good God has intended for this season. It's easy to say, "rest in the Lord," and "need is beautiful," but I'm struggling to be okay with truly having nothing to give. I'm so...human, and it's painful!
     To put Jesus in His rightful place is to admit my sinful, broken, selfish, weak self and let Him reign in my limitations. He is a God without limits! When I attempt to be limitless, I'm pushing God's glory aside and saying, boldly, "I can do this!" Oh, how I long to be freed from this desire to do and be someone for the world! I can "do" very little for anyone right now, and my heart cries to "put off this earthly garment" and run toward heaven (2 Cor. 5).
     I realize how beautiful it can be to need one another, and I'm so very thankful that the Lord is beginning to teach me now. The body of Christ is so real and dear to me in this season. Yet, I'm excited and eager because, someday, we won't be in need. We will be communing with Jesus in a place too lovely for words, worshiping His perfect sufficiency, and wondering at His splendor. Waiting may feel like an eternity, but eternity awaits.

     I fully intended to write more about my closing thoughts on the mission work in Costa Rica, but I guess that will wait for another day! :) God was so faithful, and I need more time to process before I write a re-cap (Hopefully, I can stick to what God did through the mission, not just in my life--for those who truly wonder if you'll ever know what I "actually did" while I served there! ;) )
Thank you for your support and prayers! Blessings! 


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