Beautifully Broken

"I am a plate that has shattered. I fumble around trying to pick up the pieces as quickly as I can, putting my life in order as I hastily glue each piece together again."

Improvement--that's all we look for. We are constantly telling ourselves that we must pick up the pieces and move on. Yet, I was realizing how important it could be to examine each broken piece for its beauty and artistry--to turn the broken glass over in my hand and trace the brokenness. In understanding the sharp, jagged edges, I can turn the pieces over to the Creator with a greater understanding of my need and dependence.

If you didn't already know, I am quick to hurdle my humanness and make things happen. I often ignore the weakness and attempt to explain issues away, but maybe there's more to life than being invincible. Maybe I am trying to take God's place when I try to 'move on' too quickly. Perhaps He has a reason for the way I can feel 'shattered on the ground' in certain seasons of my life. If I try to 'pull up my boot straps' too quickly, I may miss the very reason He brought me there in the first place.

Of course, we are called to live life with courage and perseverance, but I am beginning to believe that true courage recognizes human weakness and God's perfect sufficiency. The broken plate hasn't lost its usefulness in the Kingdom of God because He doesn't call us to perfection. Jesus took that burden. In our world. brokenness means useless. In His eyes, broken--poor in spirit--is the only way to reach His heart. He is sufficient for all things, and He will forever be a God of redemption.

If you feel like a plate, shattered on the ground, perhaps it was meant to be. Take time to examine the pieces He has given you and surrender all the fragmentation back to the Father who sees beauty in brokenness.



  1. Great thoughts, LeAnna! The way God sees us it totally different than our culture.


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