Of England & Bridges
We arrived in England late at night (or early in the morning) to Kat's welcoming parents and home. English hospitality may be a new favorite, and I know there's no way to thank everyone for their kindness during our short stay. Bradford was quaint and charming--my friends in Bradford may smile at that, but it's quite true. I loved it. In the six days we were there, it was often overcast or rainy, and I don't think I've ever drank more tea and coffee in my life! It was all that I dreamed it would be. The culture and land reminded me so much of New Zealand; I began to feel at home very quickly, to say the least.

The miracle of the trip began sinking in while we were in England, I think. I paused, stepped back, and realized what an honor it was to step outside of my own culture and into another again. I began seeing country boarders, languages, and ethnicity take shape and then fade in the light of Christ. Bridges had been Masterfully crafted across oceans during our time in Europe, and the Lord began giving me the eyes to see them. They aren't immaculate bridges, but they are cherished: built on first-hand experiences, interactions, and relationships.
And now--the best part!--those dear people don't seem so very far away.
On Sunday, we went to York. Kat's sweet grandma let us stay in her pretty little room overlooking her garden. My dear friend, Naomi, joined us on Monday near the Shambles (built around the fourteenth century!), we wandered through York reminiscing about our NZ days and got more coffee, of course! Tuesday, we were able to spend the day with the Cooper family--some amazing people who left a significant mark on my life while I was in NZ. It felt like a dream to be with them again; I was definitely soaking up every moment (even when we were lost on those narrow roads, Jen!)
And now--the best part!--those dear people don't seem so very far away.
England: September 29-October 5
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