Fifty Posts & People
Fifty posts and a fresh start.
Suddenly I knew what I needed to do: commemorate fifty people who have marked my year with abundance and blessing. After all, without people to encourage me along the path of life, there wouldn't even be a blog. So here's to a few of the many who blessed me this year:
First, my family...
Mom & Dad, it's hard to put my thankfulness to words. I appreciate your support and patience as I've tread through some pretty deep water in the past year. Thank you for listening and helping me get through each day--the act was often as small as a cup of coffee or chat in the morning.
Amanda, I literally don't know who I'd be without you, sister. Thank you for being my best friend, sticking with me through thick and thin, encouraging me to love deeply, and inspiring me to laugh along the way!
Charissa, you continue to be my constant, steady rock, sis. Our chats, though few and far between, have always come at the perfect moment, giving me strength to make it over the next hump. The Lord speaks through you; don't ever think otherwise.
Hannah, I can't even remember life without you as a part of the family. I never even dreamed that my brother would marry someone who would become one of my dearest friends! Thank you for your acceptance, sincerity, and affirmation. Your strength drives me to know Him more!
Anna & Ruth, I'm so happy that I was finally able to have a quality, solid chat with each of you! I am inspired by the way you've loved my two older brothers and served your little families. It means more than you know!
Jonathan, I don't think I know anyone more passionate and deep as you, brother. Your desire to live for the glory of God brings tears to my eyes. He is doing a beautiful, beautiful work in you--write that on your heart. Thanks for being my go-to for basically everything!
Josiah, our chat in Emma's dark room a few months back continues to bring a smile to my face. Thanks for always being there, Jo. You wouldn't believe the joy it gives me to know that I have a brother who always reminds me of his open invitation to Facetime. It means a lot!
Nathan, thanks for being the one who keeps everyone together in the family. I don't think you realize just how invaluable you are in the role of leader and "gatherer." Thanks for having such a willing, selfless heart.
Jordan, I can't wait to see you again (hopefully sooner than later!). I appreciate your willingness to do hard things and carve a new path for others to follow. You love my sister so well, and you'll always be an example to me of a godly husband and father.
All the littles, thank you for letting me get my auntie snuggles in throughout the year. You fill my heart with so much joy and appreciation for the sweet things in life! I love each one of you so very much!
And friends...
Sarabi, you've said before, and I'll just say it again: you've been my official support system through the past few odd, insane college semesters. But first, you are a dear, dear friend, and I'm so grateful the Lord brought us together in NZ. You refresh my heart, friend!
Em, you are my sweet heart-friend, and I'm so grateful I was able to be a part of your beautiful wedding a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for inspiring me to walk by faith through word and example this year. I'm excited to be there for many more of your life adventures! Further up, further in.
Kat, I still can't believe the Lord made a way for me to come see you this past year, dear friend! Thanks for taking me just as I am and for listening to all the crazy that passes through my life. Can't wait to sip tea again with you in England someday soon!
Tori, what can I say? You were my California sunshine in my Minnesota January. I honestly think I may have started going insane if the Lord hadn't sent you to my doorstep for two weeks! Thanks for being the person I can be perfectly transparent with over a cup of coffee.
Madison, Sterling, Jon, Hannah, Josiah, Colin, Cole, and Peter (Tori & Sarabi)--you all filled me up to the brim last week! It still feels unreal that nearly half of our NZ semester was able to meet up. My heart was so refreshed and happy to be in your company again, family.
Tom & Jen, you have no idea what a sweet encouragement it was to see you two in England last September. I will never forget how you opened my eyes to the gospel in NZ, Tom.
Naomi, I'm so thankful I got to see you this fall. What a joy to run around Bradford with you and enjoy GF goodness. It was wonderful to step into your world for a few days in England!
Naomi, I'm so thankful I got to see you this fall. What a joy to run around Bradford with you and enjoy GF goodness. It was wonderful to step into your world for a few days in England!
Ashley, thanks for being the friend to hammock, laugh, eat strange food, and talk about all things with! I can't wait to spend a little bit of my summer with you soon!
Elizabeth, I'm so thankful that we will always have each other to go back to--even if months and months go by! It's sweet to have that friend whose grandparents were my grandparent's friend, and whose dad is my dad's friend, and whose brother is my brother's friend! ;)
Charisma, even though we literally haven't been on the same continent at the same time for almost 3 years, I've been so grateful for you this year. Your honesty and authenticity are precious! Your commitment to the people in Hawaii has inspired me so much.
Becca, you've been such a sweet spot to my year! The Lord knew I needed a friend that I could visit and do life with (as often as winter allowed! ha). I'm honored and excited to be a part of your wedding in just a few months!
Annika, you have continued to be such a dear example and mentor to me. Thank you for the monthly calls and encouragement. I look up to your Christ-saturated perspective and spirit so much. Thanks for letting me continue to be a part of your life and family!
Ruthie, thank you for patiently walking through life with me. As I look back over the past 7 or 8 years, I know that a lot would've been different if the Lord hadn't sent you along as my mentor and friend as a girl. I can't even put all the ways you've blessed me to words. Thank you for showing me more of Christ and the beauty of His Word.
Skylar, I was so blessed to eek out an hour with you for coffee early on Tuesday mornings last summer. It was such cherished time! I'm so excited to see where the Lord takes you.
Sareka, Dillon, and Dallas, I just have to say, I truly don't where I'd be without your prayer, encouragement, and commitment to keeping me connected (sounds strange to say, but I think you know what I mean! ha). Really, thanks for all the deep and silly chats, study calls, and for simply doing life with me through the crazy of school! I appreciate you each a whole lot.
Hannah S., your friendship and love has been such a bright spot in my year. Thank you for allowing me to walk through life's hills and valleys with you. The views have been extremely hard at times, but the light always rises in morning, right? Keep pressing on, dear.
Shulamis & Kristin, you two always seemed to send that message or text at the right moment. Thank you for all the "hugs" and "flowers"! Introverted Self, thanks for the deep conversations that always seem to awaken one too many metaphors for the average person (but who wants average?!). And Distracted Kindred Spirit, thanks for all the enthusiasm, sincerity, and friendship despite how often I was absent and...distracted. ;)
Kayla B., I have been so refreshed by your perspective and joy, friend! I'm so glad your love for editing brought us together in November. I've loved all our conversations--especially when we both eagerly share what the Lord has been teaching us!
Emily S., as I've told you, your texts have always come at such a perfect moment. Thank you for caring so deeply about the Lord, His work, and His people!
Amie C., thank you for being your sunshiny, compassionate self when I needed an outside ear. Even though we barely knew each other, you were simply "there" during one of life's most-challenging hurdles. You are a blessing!
Debbie E., thank you for helping me to pursue one of my dreams: becoming a doula. Working with your birth ministry has been an unexpected blessing and gift this year. I'm incredibly grateful for your support!
Piano students, thank you for filling my Thursdays with fun and laughter! It has been a JOY to teach you, and I'm sad that this season has come to a close. Thank you for putting up with my coffee-sipping and tiredness some days. Keep learning to love music!
And my Savior, my Rock, my Healer, and precious Redeemer, thank you for securing me in your love and grace. You've faithfully showed me how to be weak to highlight your strength, how to find beauty in the valleys, and how to lean on your people through each day. Thank you for writing through me this year and showing me how to press on when the storms appear to overwhelm me.
And influential authors...
Jen Wilkin's Bible studies have impacted me more than any other text, by far--simply because she challenged me to dig deep into the Word of God and discover His riches written on every page.
Elisabeth Elliot has been such a joy to learn from this year. After getting my hands on 4 of her books, I feel like I've found a faithful friend in her stories and honest words. Her perspective on life has definitely shaped me in countless ways.
George Muller's biography has been an eye-opening, challenging read. His faith and dependence on the Lord has convicted me on every page.
Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening has continued to be my favorite devotional. Most days of the week, Mom, Amanda, and I would gather for a quick prayer time, and I would often read aloud from Spurgeon's gospel-saturated book.
Francis Bacon's works made me giddy at times (not nerdy--at all!). For real, I began to appreciate all the different functions of the English language through a few of Bacon's essays. He was even the inspiration behind my senior project!
John Milton's works drove me to think more deeply and poetically about life and writing. Sometimes I would convince myself that his words were dull, but then I would pause, read one line, and fall in love with the power of words all over again.
At one point, I was going to write a post about how much we need the Body of Christ each and every day, but I think this list sums things up perfectly. Praise God for His order and design!
Now it's your turn: what fifty people have been an essential, life-giving part of your year?
I read your post this morning and I still don't have words hours later. I did not expect to see my name here, but doing so was like receiving an incredible gift. Thank you. <3 Being one of fifty people to positively impact your year is hugely humbling and an honour I can't explain. Congratulations on reaching fifty posts and on revamping your blog - it looks beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAnd no, no one wants average.
Shulamis, your way with words... <3 I'm glad it blessed you so much. Thanks for being you!