Golden to White

"He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17

Snow is falling softly. Each puffy flake creating a thicker blanket on our wooden porch railing; the foothills of the Rocky's are hidden in a swirl of white. Just yesterday, sun beamed down warmly on the vibrant yellow aspens. Now, in a perfect whisper, the season changed overnight.

God looked down on the flaming golden and red mountainsides, and He declared change. That spoken word of change always happens at just the right moment.

We long for it--the changing of seasons--don't we?

In early spring, the almost-aching to desire to see green nearly overtakes us. In early summer, we longingly wait for the sun's rays to penetrate the clouds. In the fall, it starts with a hopeful anticipation of sweaters, pumpkin pie, and falling leaves. And the beginning of winter stirs thoughts of cozy evenings, twinkling lights, and long books.

We were created to desire change. As the seasons change, so we long for newness.

He spoke that desire into us, and He can handle our deep craving; He has, perhaps, already made a way for it to be perfectly satisfied.

Our God-given desire for change can so quickly be taken captive by our humanness. Discontentment and dissatisfaction takes over, and we take things into our own hands--seeking the first opportunity of change possible.

What if, instead of frantically trying 'the next big thing' or finding that 'perfect dress' that will make everything right, we allowed the simplicity of changing seasons be enough? What if we settled our souls with the knowledge that God changes things at just the right moment...

What if we chose to contentedly allow life to ebb and flow, knowing God's hand held it all together (Ephesians 1)? That the season would change at just the right moment--that His strength would be enough to keep us through. 

Maybe the way God ordered the world is enough to satisfy our craving, remind us that He is in, through, above, below, behind, and within it all--holding it all together in His perfect time.


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