White-washed Hope

     "Therefore, as we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking to Jesus the author and perfect or of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising it's shame, and is seated at the right of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2
     What do you do when you don't know what to do? What do you do when life could float by with little of your concern. Where do you turn when life is struck with nothingness? I think I'm here. For some reason, God has brought me to a room with no temperature, no surroundings, no color, no feeling. What lies ahead can't excite me, though excitement marks each moment of my life.
     I've asked the Lord to open my eyes to joy, His love, His truth! He's chosen to let me dwell here; He wants me to sit in the emptiness and realize His fullness.
     In light of eternity, and the glory there, I realize just how momentary any affliction or roadblock can be. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to save the world. Not only did He purposefully reject the honor that He should've received, but He also walked knowingly into the open shame of crucifixion. Even in the horror of Jesus' death, the weight of affliction far exceeds the physical: He had taken on the sins of humankind. The suffering He endured for our sins far outweighs the mere physical affliction that we so often attempt to depict. This Jesus is the One I serve and live life for. He is the God who understands my weakness and can sympathize with my temptations (Hebrews 4:18). He cares about the very hairs on my head and knows my deepest, darkest thoughts, yet loves me with agape love.
     As I allow myself to ponder Jesus, I am struck with the heavenly. In contrast, I easily catch myself being hindered by worry and questions. Why am I in this white-washed room? What do I do here? What are people perceiving of my character and personality as I grow quiet and reserved in my confusion? The worry has been crowding my life, and I find that I am often preaching a message of condemnation to myself, rather than the sweet message of reconciliation and hope (2 Cor. 5). In the wondering, in the nothingness, in the questions and confusion, Jesus still died on the cross. He still stood boldly in the face of fear, He still made a way for life, and He still sits at the right hand of the throne of God. In the end, it doesn't matter what type of room I'm waiting in: I'm still waiting for the same person, Jesus Christ.
     I'm hoping for a "lighter" update soon, but the Lord doesn't have me climbing that mountain yet! Thank you for praying! A New Age festival is coming to Uvita this weekend. Nearly 8,000 people attend, and there is enormous room for ministry. Pray for the people who are lost and desperate for true, pure life; pray for the team that will be ministering to these people and serving broken hearts. God is a God of comfort and compassion. Blessings!


  1. My dear daughter, I am so thankful for this deep time of learning for you. As Moms we want to emotional support our children, nurture them and train them. Dads want to fix everything (especially your dad)but at this point we know that God is doing the training, nurturing and "fixing". He is healing your heart, soul and body, and it is exciting to see. I am soooo thankful that Jason and Sarah are looking out for safety. it brings comfort and peace to Dad and I. We are excited to watch as God is molding you and Saralyn into his faithful daughters. Keep your heart and mind focused on HIM and how you can serve him! God is faithful!


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