Beautifully Multiplied

"There is a boy here who has five barely loaves and two fishes, but what are they for so many?"
                                                                                                                     John 6:9
     I've been very reflective lately. My time in Costa Rica is coming to a close, and I have only thankfulness in my heart. I was sitting on a moss-covered rock looking down at the cascading waterfall behind Refugio Solte, and I was so overcome. Water rippled fresh from the heavy rains and flowed steadily down the jagged rocks. There was a gentle patch of sunlight beaming through the thick rainforest cover above, and I listened to tropical tortles and calls.
     This is where I live, and I think I've always lived here--with my Heavenly Father. In Him, we have living water; we have access to every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places, and He never changes. Sometimes, I imagine He has left me; sometimes, my cracked lips and parched soul distract me from the truth of the beautiful rainforest all around. There are seasons when we can't "feel" the water, or even taste it, but He's always there: flowing steadily over our weary souls, ready to give us more of Himself when we come to the end of ourself.
     I smiled at how truly distracted I become! Yet, He sympathizes with our weakness and knows what it's like to trudge through this broken earth. He smiles down on me and waits for me to lift my eyes again. Once I lift my eyes, the struggle may continue; but the rushing, raging water takes my breath away...and all else fades away.
     A boy, with only a bit of food, was found among the thousands. Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, questioned Jesus: how can five barely loaves and two fishes make any difference with a crowd of 5,000? I'm sure Jesus smiled, and He answered, "Have the people sit down" (v10). There is so much to be learned from this moment in time. I love Andrew's simple question: what are they for so many? I've often wondered that of myself: what am I for so many? When I came to Costa Rica, I quickly became very aware of my weakness and inability. I only had a few small loaves of bread and two fishes to offer Jesus, but He called me to action. He asked me to trust Him and press on with the comfort of the Holy Spirit to persevere! In the action, He was leading me to a greater realization of His blessed, rich waters, but I didn't know what He was going to do! I didn't know He was going to multiply my small offering and bring me such delight in Him.
     Multiplication happened by the water. I don't know what impact I've had on this little country in my short stay, and I guess I don't care to know, but I do know my Savior more deeply. I believe this part of my life was one set aside for appreciating the greatness of His living water before any greatness on earth, and, oh, how grateful I am! Jesus didn't need dozens of loaves or fishes to feed the thousands--He actually only needed a few. With only a few loaves and fishes, glory shed on earth through a miraculous event, and Jesus did it all on purpose.
     It would be lovely to always see the rainforest and hear the sounds, but sometimes the light seems far away. We have this blessed assurance: He is ever-flowing and ever-ready to multiply our small offering.


  1. This is such a neat idea LeAnna. We do not need greatness to be used by Him.
    I really appreciate the comment you made about being good with not knowing the impact you have made. That is a true servant. Love you and we are looking forward to hearing about your adventures in person. Mom


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