While they Worshiped...
"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'" Acts 13:2
While they worshiped...things happened. As they worshiped, prayer was answered, and purpose was discovered. Oh, how beautiful it is to simply worship. In worship, there are no requirements! Jesus just asks us to lift our voice as we are able and dwell with Him in delight and unity! He calls us to a beautiful, flowing river of Himself to rest. Many times I have come to those lush banks to wonder at the glory of my Savior and ponder His grace! Worship happens as my mind is conformed to the eternal and holy.
Last Sunday, I had a breakthrough. Suddenly, I stepped out of the fog and into the open light of Jesus. I don't ever want to be caught up in the feelings, yet there was a sweetness to the moment. I realized, with eyes untainted, that I was worshiping Jesus. What else could ever matter? It sounds silly to share this moment: I was simply sitting in the café with my bible open on our little, wooden table; but I was expectant. I had a sliver of hope to pray for something magnificent, and He was faithful. The magnificence came in a still, small voice: a voice that penetrated all the layers of insecurity, hurt, neediness, loneliness, and pain. That was "it." All the struggle brought me to that moment of encountering Jesus! The blessing and reward are complete in the face of Jesus Christ.
Over the past few days, "while I've worshiped," the discovery of my calling, our calling, has become more defined: to live close to Jesus in life and worship means to live farther from the world. Material possessions, stability, and relationships will be in jeopardy as we step out in faith. God doesn't promise ease, but He promises Himself--all the fullness of Himself. If I long for communion, giving my life is necessary; taking steps toward the unknown and uncharted should be normal; being materially poor should be seen as opportunity; weakness should be embraced; suffering should bring delight; and sacrifice should be lived and breathed.
The sweetness of worshiping Jesus brings me to the discovery of His power and glory. I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good; therefore, by the grace of God, may I be ready to choose faith over fear and sacrifice over security. "While I worship," may my heart rest in His assurance.
While they worshiped...things happened. As they worshiped, prayer was answered, and purpose was discovered. Oh, how beautiful it is to simply worship. In worship, there are no requirements! Jesus just asks us to lift our voice as we are able and dwell with Him in delight and unity! He calls us to a beautiful, flowing river of Himself to rest. Many times I have come to those lush banks to wonder at the glory of my Savior and ponder His grace! Worship happens as my mind is conformed to the eternal and holy.
Last Sunday, I had a breakthrough. Suddenly, I stepped out of the fog and into the open light of Jesus. I don't ever want to be caught up in the feelings, yet there was a sweetness to the moment. I realized, with eyes untainted, that I was worshiping Jesus. What else could ever matter? It sounds silly to share this moment: I was simply sitting in the café with my bible open on our little, wooden table; but I was expectant. I had a sliver of hope to pray for something magnificent, and He was faithful. The magnificence came in a still, small voice: a voice that penetrated all the layers of insecurity, hurt, neediness, loneliness, and pain. That was "it." All the struggle brought me to that moment of encountering Jesus! The blessing and reward are complete in the face of Jesus Christ.
Over the past few days, "while I've worshiped," the discovery of my calling, our calling, has become more defined: to live close to Jesus in life and worship means to live farther from the world. Material possessions, stability, and relationships will be in jeopardy as we step out in faith. God doesn't promise ease, but He promises Himself--all the fullness of Himself. If I long for communion, giving my life is necessary; taking steps toward the unknown and uncharted should be normal; being materially poor should be seen as opportunity; weakness should be embraced; suffering should bring delight; and sacrifice should be lived and breathed.
The sweetness of worshiping Jesus brings me to the discovery of His power and glory. I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good; therefore, by the grace of God, may I be ready to choose faith over fear and sacrifice over security. "While I worship," may my heart rest in His assurance.
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