Make Ready
"For you shall go before the Lord to prepare His ways...
because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on High
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet in the way of peace." Luke 1:76, 78-79
Zechariah sings over his little son, John: You will make the people ready for their Savior! You can almost hear the zeal and emotion in Zechariah's voice. This little boy, most likely with a mop of dark hair and a pair of mischievous eyes, was specifically chosen by God to prepare His people for Jesus Christ.
As I read these few verses, I thought, oh how His heart beats for us to be prepared! He literally sent a man to pave the way for the Messiah so that their hearts would be primed and ready for Jesus.
"And he will turn many of the children of Israel to their make ready a people prepared."
(Luke 1:16-17)
(Luke 1:16-17)
God ached for His beloved people to be ready for their Messiah--His first words, His first miracle, His first appearing. Jesus was the one whom God had spoken of since the fall of man! And He wanted their heart's tuned to this miracle on earth...
He didn't want them to miss a thing.
It's the same for us now. As we revel in the beauty and wonder of Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus coming to earth 2,000 years ago, we anticipate Him coming again. We prepare for Him coming again. We make ourselves ready for His coming again.
God cares that we are prepared. He cares that we don't miss a thing.
Lord, make us ready!
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